I hope you’re enjoying some down time this summer. Have some fun. Take a break. Take a nap. This Sunday we begin to shift our energy from resting after the previous church year to gearing up for the new church year starting in September. But the first task is not to get to work but to create a vision, create a plan, and gather resources.
We’ll start to create a vision this Sunday in worship by taking a look at the church we have, and imagining how we would like the church to look and feel in the future. We’ll be taking a physical walk around the church, pausing to look with fresh eyes, and recording our thoughts on index cards that our Arts and Aesthetics and Building and Grounds committees will use during the coming year. If you’re joining us on Zoom you will participate in the exercise by viewing photographs of the sites that our in-person participants will be surveying – and recording your thoughts to send in by email.
In August, we’ll be making a special push for Volunteer Recruitment. We need your help to run the church and offer our programs. There’s a place for you! If you’re a committee chair and you’d like to make a pitch during worship, contact me and I’ll sign you up for an August Sunday. And, work with your committee to imagine how you can participate in our Volunteer Recruitment Fair on August 27 and September 3.