Shift Attention

Candidating “fortnight”
Rev. Lissa Gundlach is our candidate
Preaching tomorrow and May 3
Town Hall today
This is not the Town Hall Council – that’s next month.
First of three
Saturday, April 25th 4pm-6pm 
Sunday, April 26th 12:30pm-2pm 
Saturday, May 2nd 10:30am-12pm 
moderated by the MSC.
Open to all
ask questions of the candidate.
Join by computer or telephone
Links are on the church calendar
Or check your email for an announcement

Next Sunday, May 3rd,
Congregational meeting at 11:30 on Zoom 
Join by computer or telephone
The voting process is explained in the weekly eBlast,
and in a letter and an email sent to members. 
Michael Sallwasser and Jan Seymour-Ford (President and Clerk) will validate the votes
They will announce the votes as well as the percentage.
Our Bylaws require a 90% Yes vote in order to extend a call to a parish minister.

My participation during Candidate Fortnight
I will continue to do these facebook live messages
Tuesday through Sunday at 1pm       
I will meet with the Finance Committee, Monday
Staff meeting on Wednesday
Most of the week I will attend a series of Zoom meetings for Interim Ministers
Talking about churches looking for interims next year.
So I’m looking for my next job
And I will be happy to share my plans with you
Once I know more myself.

2)  Message

One of my greatest pleasures in life
Is live theater
The symphony
The opera
And art museums
Jim and I deliberately moved to downtown Los Angeles
So we would be within walking distance of
Disney Hall
The Music Center
The Broad
And the Museum of Contemporary Art
Until a month ago Jim and I would regularly spend two or three nights a week
Walking up the hill for a concert or a show
Instead of watching TV
We used Disney Hall like our living room

And now, of course
Art museums are closed
Theaters are closed
And the opera and symphony seasons are canceled.
And virtual museums
And watching live performances on the computer
Just aren’t the same

So I’ve been thinking about how much I’ve lost
When some of my greatest pleasures in life are gone.

And then I remember
That there’s one art form that I also enjoy
That is completely unaffected by the current health crisis
An art form that doesn’t need a computer
An art form that actually thrives with social distancing
That’s literature

I have always loved reading
And especially the great books
Where the author aspires to art
And all of those great works of literature
Are exactly as accessible as they ever were
I can enjoy them exactly as I ever did
Not compromised at all.

So instead of going to the symphony or the opera or the theater
I can read a great book
Which is for me a different choice
But not a lesser choice in any way.

So my question for you is…
Admitting that the world has changed
Yes it has
Acknowledging that we have lost some of what we enjoyed
What haven’t you lost?
What enjoyments could you shift your attention to?
What pleasure in life is calling out to you now?

Find those satisfactions in your life
Regard this time as an invitation to rediscover and reconnect with the pleasures in your life still available to you
And cherish them.

I’ll see you tomorrow 1pm