Church programs have moved online
activities are now posted on our church calendar (
I’m available if you need help setting up a group
Two of our tech people are working on creating a training for Zoom group leaders
Including new security controls
Connections survey
160 responses (some responses include more than one person)
I’m reviewing responses today
The Pastoral Care Team meets tomorrow
We will set up a Buddy Program
We will set up a Transportation Team
We will give contact info to Rayna and the office
We will give tech issues to the Geek Squad
Ministerial Search Committee
Rev. Lissa Gundlach is our candidate
I believe all church members received an email yesterday
Information is also posted on the church website – click the link
Working on a candidating “week” schedule that will likely be “two weeks”
starting April 21.
Look for events posted on the church calendar
Preaching on April 26 and May 3
Congregational meeting for the vote to call on May 3.
Working out a voting process for Zoom and phone.
Church Budget
Met with the Finance Committee last night
Difficult year
Lost rental income
Member giving likely to be down
Good news
Applying for Paycheck Protection Plan loan
Insurance for lost rental income
Income might increase late in the year.
Some members will have full income and lower expenses
The church may be able to shift money from designated funds and reserve accounts – maybe structured as “loans to ourselves”
The Finance Committee will continue to meet weekly
Final budget adopted by the congregation on May 31.
Please support the church financially, if you can.
Text to Give information is available on the front page of our church website.
2) Message
Feeling fear – what to do?
4 steps
Acknowledge – Feel your feeling. Don’t push it away. Name it.
Gratitude – Your feelings are your body’s natural defense mechanism
Compassion – for yourself, just as you are compassionate with the suffering of others.
This is what I tried to say in my easter sermon
Human beings are not all powerful
Nature is bigger
We are not immortal
Death is natural
We are not all knowing
There are mysteries
So humility
Julian of Norwich: All Shall be Well and all manner of things shall be well
Singing the Journey: When I breathe in, I breathe in peace
When I breathe out, I breathe out love
Danny Burstein: Strength through Stillness
Smell the Roses
Blow out the candles.
I’ll see you tomorrow 1pm