
We sing now together our song of thanksgiving,

rejoicing in goods which the ages have wrought,

We sing of the friend who brought the flowers

Who set up the tables

Who came up with the idea

Who wrote the article

We sing of the friend who made the poster

Who sent the card

Who typed up the minutes

Who made the coffee

We sing of the friend

Who pulled the weeds

Who said a word of comfort

Who listened and heard

We sing of the prophets, the teachers, the dreamers, 

designers, creators, and workers, and seers;

our own lives expanding, our gratitude commanding,

their deeds have made immortal their days and their years.

Their deeds have made this community

Sustained it, furthered it, strengthened it

They have brought their love to a faith that we love

And made it even more lovely than it was.

The voluntary gifts of these precious members of our church

Have made for us, and made of us

A community of love

For which we are forever grateful.