Adult Religious Education

With this Sunday’s Ingathering worship service and water communion, our 2023-2024 church year begins:  the 80th year of our church!  Among several experiences to look forward to, I want to highlight our planned Adult Religious Education Programs.

Preach It!  The class finished this week.  Throughout the year we will have the chance to hear the sermons the participants prepared.

Starting Point.  A four session class that introduces our faith as two parallel journeys:  a journey of Unitarian Universalist history and theology, and a personal spiritual journey that find their fulfillment together  in church community.  Four Sundays in October.  Led by Reid Swanson and Rochelle Lamm.

Common ReadSearch by Michelle Hunevan.  As our church prepares to elect a search committee for a new settled minister this novel about the experience of a Unitarian Universalist congregation in search, provides a cautionary tale of what not to do.  We’ll read together in November and discuss in December.

“I Believe”.  A theology class focused on the big questions of religious belief.  Seven evening sessions in January and February.  Led by Rev. Hoyt-McDaniels.Article II Study and Discussion.  For the past few years, the UUA has been developing a significant revision to Article II of their Bylaws, the “Principles and Purposes” section.  If adopted by delegates to the General Assembly in June, the proposed change would result in replacing the current “Seven Principles” and the “Six Sources” with new language.  In March and April we will create a process for our congregation to consider the issue, and instruct our GA delegates on how to represent us during the vote.