Everyday Virtue

(Removing the kettle from the fire)

Courage as one opens the mail
A prayer of blessing while folding the laundry
And starting the car
Hope at every hour of the day

An eye for justice
(The dog strains at the leash)
A hand for charity
(Pulling a carton of orange juice from the shelf)

Evenness, balance, what they call “equanimity.”
As stress arises, and anger
As fatigue consumes the afternoon
As guilt and regret annoy the evening

Isn’t it after all just us
awkward animals struggling along
with limbs not made to overcome the obstacles
that upset us?

Take pity
(A deep breath in)
Forgiveness, for me, for you.
Tenderness for this self so small

This world so big
This life so short
This lesson so hard
This heart so soft