Communications and Community

Facebook Live

June 6, 2020

Good afternoon, I hope you’re doing well

Importance of staying connected

Live message Tuesday through Saturday at 1pm

If you miss a message you can watch the recording on facebook,

if you have a facebook account.

Or you can read my message (in outline form) at my personal website:

Here’s what you need to know

Board Retreat

We have a new Board President – Jan Goodwin

Our Vice President is the same as last year – Jennifer Filipowicz

Christina Cervantes is appointed out Treasurer

Lee Kimura is appointed our Clerk

And the Board Assigned Ministries

            Worship – Bob Moore

            Communications – Gina Stephens

            Personnel – Jan Goodwin (Committee on Ministry, Amicus)

            Administration – Jen Filipowicz (Leadership Development, Town Hall)

            LRE – Kamiliah Holmes

            Facilities – Kevin Ford

            Social Justice – Lisa Gonzales-Burris

            Finance – Michael Kimmitt

            Congregational Life – Peter Phelps (Membership, and Pastoral Care)

Our new Virtual Church Committee

            Is under the ministry of both Worship

                        And Communications

                                    For now

This Sunday is our Music Sunday

            Francisco Ruiz, our Director of Music is putting together a great program

The following Sunday, June 14, is our RE Sunday

            Our Religious Education Director, Naomi Yoshida

                        And the RE Committee

                        Are putting that together.

June 21, is my last day preaching to you

            We will put a formal close on this interim ministry

                        And say our farewells

            We will do some honoring of the outgoing and the new Board

            We have three new members to welcome

For my message

I want to talk about the importance of community

Virtual Church is doing some things very well



What we do less well is some of the community building events

            Social gatherings

            Unprogrammed/casual interaction

                        Coffee Hour

                        Grabbing someone before or after a meeting

                        Passing in the breezeway, accidentally

So, looking at a year of virtual church

 the two most important challenges we face

Are communications

And community

And incidentally both of those have the same word origin

            Latin for the word common

                        Meaning “held in the public spirit”

            The feeling of holding something in common

            And communication is the verb form

“to make something common”

                        Common knowledge

            We communicate to build community

So we need to find deliberate ways to communicate 


            And more often

            To find formal means of communication

                        To replace all the informal communication we have lost.

And we need to find more ways to gather in community

            Particularly in the unprogrammed, social, and fellowship mode.

                        Worship has an “agenda” called the liturgy

                        But what about just a party?

                                    How do we make that happen?

One of the core functions of church

            Maybe the core function

                        Is building, maintaining, sustaining, living, celebrating, community

                        How do we do that in a virtual church environment

We need to be able to say, as strongly and truthfully as ever…

418 Adapted from Israel Zangwill

Come into the circle of love and justice.

Come into the community of mercy, holiness, and health.

Come and you shall know peace and joy.

How do we do that in a virtual church environment?

I think that’s a question that you all will need to answer in the coming year.

I don’t know what that looks like

            I’m eager to see what you discover

We used to say at church every week…

458 Walter Royal Jones, Jr.

Mindful of truth ever exceeding our knowledge

And community ever exceeding our practice,

Reverently we covenant together,

Beginning with ourselves as we are,

To share the strength of integrity

And the heritage of the spirit

In the unending quest for wisdom and love.

So we always must be making more community connections

            Beyond whatever we have done before

            In any environment.

That is always

            And still our challenge.

So in-person our virtual we can live this truth as well…

434, Anonymous

May we be reminded here of our highest aspirations, and inspired to bring our gifts of love and service to the altar of humanity.

May we know once again that we are not isolated beings but connected, in mystery and miracle, to the universe, to this community and to each other.

See you Tuesday, 1pm.