Change Cycle

Candidating “fortnight” starts today
Rev. Lissa Gundlach is our candidate
Information posted on our website
Lot of opportunities to meet Lissa
Preaching on April 26 and May 3
Meetings on the Church Calendar

Congregational meeting on May 3, 11:30am
Through video or call-in
Vote online by clicking a special URL
If you’re having trouble a Board member will call you to get your vote
If you know you can’t attend the meeting at all
Call Jan Seymour-Ford by noon on May 2
Michael Sallwasser and Jan Seymour-Ford (President and Clerk) will validate the votes
They will announce the votes as well as the percentage.
Our Bylaws require a 90% Yes vote in order to extend a call to a parish minister.

My participation during Candidate Fortnight
I will be taking a lower profile so you can focus on Lissa
I won’t join any of the meetings where you are meeting Lissa
I’m going to temporarily cancel both the church chat, and creative spirit groups
But, I am still your minister
And I’m still working
Finance Committee, Monday evenings
Board meeting, tonight
Staff meeting, Wednesday afternoons
Michael Sallwasser asked me to continue to do these facebook live messages
Tuesday through Saturday, 1pm

Please give to the church as generously as you are able

2)  Message

We’re all in a transition right now
Interim Ministry – Settled Ministry
Economic crisis
Some of what we had before is not coming back
The future will be different than now
But also different from what was
I’m thinking of things like retail environment
Or ways that we have learned to use online tools

So positives and negatives
But in any case change

So the Change Cycle – Ann Salerno and Lillie Brock
This is a tool I’ve often used in ministry

                                                Feelings           Thoughts         Behavior

Loss –                                      Fear                 Cautious          Paralyzed

Doubt                                      Resentment    Skeptical         Resistant

Discomfort                              Anxiety            Confused         Unproductive

            Danger Zone

Discovery                                Anticipation    Creative           Energized

Understanding                        Confidence      Pragmatic        Productive

Integration                              Satisfaction     Focused           Generous

No need to rush through the cycle
Let it turn at whatever pace you need to go.
But do notice when you begin to shift from
Backward looking to forward looking
From regret to remaking
Can you allow yourself to feel “wonder” at what might be coming
And accept that as possibility?

I’ll see you tomorrow 1pm