Interim Tasks

We just finished one church year with RE Sunday and the UUA General Assembly.  But, of course, I already have some plans for the coming church year.

I start my planning with worship, which is the center of our spiritual community.  From there, my hope is that other church programs will synchronize wherever possible with the worship themes.  I envision a holistic, integrated church experience where what is heard on Sunday morning is reinforced and augmented through related experiences during the following week.  A children’s RE program exploring the same themes fosters family discussions.  An adult faith formation class allows deeper learning.  A social justice action or fellowship event gives expression to a spiritual passion ignited during worship.

            At the May Town Hall meeting I presented my schedule for the 2018-2019 church year.  Here is what I’m working on.

            September and October:  History.  We start from foundations of early history of Unitarian and Universalist thought then continue through the establishment of the church, more recent theological innovations, the expansion of the US church from east to west, ending with a telling of the local and immediate history of this congregation.

            November and December:  Leadership.  We look at the qualities and characteristics of a leader.  We look at the challenges of leadership around issues such as power and authority and moving through change and conflict.  We lift up some leadership models and invite the leaders among us to emerge.

            January and February:  Identity.  We start with a look at personal identity, “Who am I?”  Then we look at the corporate identity of our congregation, “Who are We?”

            March:  Mission.  From who we are the question shifts to, “What should we do?”  How do we express our identities and our values into the world?

            April and May.  Connections.  We look at our place within the larger context of Unitarian Universalist faith and institutions.  And we will look at other community partners who share our values and our work.

            June, every year, is a month for closing the church year with acknowledgment, celebration, and expressions of gratitude.  July is our quiet month of letting go, taking a Sabbath, being still.  And then in August, we begin our preparations for the work of the new church year.

            My themes for the 2018-2019 come from a list identified by the UUA as important work for congregations during an interim.  My intention is that working through these issues will prepare the congregation to elect a search committee (in May 2019) equipped with a clear understanding of the church you hope to be and the kind of ministerial leadership you will seek to help get you there.

            More details about my schedule for the coming year are available on my website:  I also post my sermons there if you miss a Sunday or want to re-read a sermon you heard.