Work Together

Worship on Sunday
Zoom Webinar
Find the link on the church website and calendar (
on facebook
And on my website (
We increased the capacity to 500 and had 112 on Sunday
We are still trying to figure out how to stream to facebook live
Closed Captioning
We have selected a service, but were not able to sign up over the weekend.

Church meetings
Group leaders should schedule their own meetings
Use the Church account or use your own Zoom account
For public groups, programs, forums:
Copy the Zoom “invitation”
Email it to
Teresa will add your meeting to the church calendar with a live link
It will take a few days to appear.
Teresa works Monday through Friday
For private committee meetings:
Send the info to
but don’t send the Zoom link
Send the Zoom invitation only to the people you want to attend.
Please be as clear as possible with Teresa
It’s helpful to set up recurring meetings which will all have the same code

Connections survey
Working on this today
The survey tool is ready to go
Recruit and train folks to make the calls
Recruiting Buddies

Please support the church financially, if you can.
Text “Give” to (833) 931-1845 to get started
And you can give at 

  •  Message

I started seeing some good news about the health crisis yesterday.
Just a glimmer
But “reality-based” means noticing the good along with the bad.
It looks like physical distancing is working
(I don’t say social distancing or isolating because we are not distancing socially, and we are doing everything we can to help each other not to isolate)
Fevers going down – Kinsa “US Health Weather Map”
Which means if we stay diligent with physical distancing infections will go down.
And not just for Covid-19
This means we are just now beginning to enter phase 1 of the response
Not the end, or the beginning of the end, but maybe the end of the beginning.

So the bad news
fevers are a leading indicator
So infections (because of testing) and hospitalizations and deaths will still go up for several more weeks.
Relaxing physical distancing will require widespread testing and contact testing
(maybe this summer?)
And return to “normal” will require herd immunity
Acquired immunity from folks who were sick and recovered.
(maybe spring 2021?)

Not my place to make predictions

But I was thinking about physical distancing
and how it works because we all agreed to do it.
Some voluntarily and some under social pressure

We were able to make a big change
Because we were all motivated to change together

I saw this also in the church’s move over the last two weeks to virtual church.
We were able to make a big change
Because we were all motivated to change together
Leaders had to figure out how to make the virtual church
We all had to figure out how to access virtual church.
And we still have work to do to help those who are struggling
We all had to do our part
Stay involved
Support the change

The power of a motivated community working together
Is amazing

So that makes me think about big social shifts we might want to make or need to make
Climate change
Health care
Remaking the economy

Again, not my place to make prediction
Something to think about.

See you tomorrow at 1pm