My Brother, Myself

My Brother, Myself by Samuel Steward writing as Phil Andros (1970).

For the main article on the Phil Andros Novels and Stories, click here.

This one’s more like a novel with a through-line, but the action is still hustling with a sex scene in every chapter. Phil is in San Francisco sunning himself naked on a secluded beach beneath the Golden Gate Bridge. A guy he meets is sure that Phil is a different guy he knows, named Denny Andrews. They go to a bar together and folks there, too, assume that Phil is Denny. Phil starts to get psychic messages from his twin. From there, as with Stud, Phil hops around the country, chapter by chapter as he searches to meet his brother. There are a couple of chapters in San Francisco (a young latino in the shower at the Y where Phil is staying, and then a trick with a rich man so Phil can get the money to travel. The guy turns out to be a Bishop). Then he’s in Chicago again. Here he comes across a couple of real-life men the author, Samuel Steward probably knew: Chuck Renslow, the founder of the Gold Coast Bar and the International Mister Leather competition, and Chuck’s boyfriend the erotic artist Dom Orejudos. In the book the Gold Coast is the Gold Mine, Dom Orejudos is Ollie, and Chuck is Mike. Phil turns a few tricks in Chicago then follows Denny (intuitively) to Columbus, Ohio, where Phil and Denny are from (and, in real life, Samuel Steward, too). In Columbus, Phil checks in with his grandmother and she confirms that he did have a twin brother, the two of them raised separately in foster homes. His Greek grandmother also explains that Denny means “manly” in Greek, and Andrews is a version of Andros, so Denny Andrews is a “manly man.” Phil picks up a rich college kid. Next he’s off to New York following the vague psychic messages Denny is sending him. Phil misses Denny again in New York, but finds a tattoo artist who gives Phil the same tattoo (two vampire bite marks on his neck) that the guy had given to Denny earlier. Then it’s back to Columbus and the college kid. A flight to Denver with a sordid scene on the plane. Then back to San Francisco. There’s more sex on the flight from Denver to San Francisco. Then a scene with a cop at Lake Merritt in Oakland. Finally, Phil is drawn back to the beach where it all started. He meets his brother. They have sex. Phil falls asleep and wakes to find he’s alone with a single set of footprints on the sand.