Busy June

As usual, we have a very busy month at church.  June is the end of our program year so much of our June worship is devoted to looking back, celebrating, and thanking.  Our Music and Tech programs go first, this Sunday, June 9.  Our REE (Religious Education and Exploration) program is next, on June 16.  On the last Sunday of the month, June 30, we take time in worship to recognize all our church volunteers on all our programs and committees.  Committee chairs – please start making your list of thank yous!

June is also the final month of our fiscal year.  Our finance team is wrapping up this year’s financial accounting and preparing for next year.  Our Board prepares a final “Recommended” budget for 2024-2025 at their June 10, meeting (visitors welcome).  Please plan to attend our Congregational Meeting, June 30 after worship, to approve next year’s budget, elect Board members and Nominating Committee members, and to hear reports from me and others on the state of the church and our plans for the coming year.