After Robert French Leavens

“Three unseen guests attend, faith, hope, and love”
Robert French Leavens

Faith be with us.
Let us turn to trust, to confidence
To steely certainty that the good will prevail
That truth and beauty are secure against all threats
That we will be safe, our loved ones cared for
Children of a benevolent creation, all will be well.
We breathe deeply, strengthened by faith.

Hope be with us.
Let us see a bright way forward
A way through, the way out.
May our steps be light, our smile inward
May our thoughts be optimistic.
May our spirits be buoyed by calm assurance of better days coming.
We breathe deeply, lifted by hope.

Love be with us.
Let us reach beyond ourselves
And feel the divine reaching back.
Let us tend with care, soothe with gentleness
Listen with compassion, help unreservedly.
May we feel the warm softness of a universe created by love and us within it.
We breathe deeply, made whole by love.