Neighborhood Listening Session

If you attended the listening session after worship a few weeks ago, you know that our church and the North Hollywood Home Alliance are considering some possible changes to the administrative structure of our Tuesday Drop-In Program.  Before we made any future commitments we wanted to give our stakeholders an opportunity to share their experience.  This week we extended that invitation to our neighbors.

About twenty of us gathered in the Fellowship Hall, to learn about the program, ask questions, and for the program leaders to hear feedback.  The meeting went very well.  The overall impression of our program is positive.  We heard some specific concerns and suggestions and will take that into account.  Mostly what we heard was thanks.  Thank you for serving our unhoused neighbors with compassion.  And thank you for giving the church neighbors a forum to speak and be heard.  Many told us the church had never reached out to them before and had never been inside the church.  I hope this is the beginning of a strong and helpful relationship, that we will be truly neighbors.