After Jacob Trapp

Close your eyes and imagine with me..

It is dark night.  You’re standing in an open field looking up at a heaven of stars.

It is bright day.  You’re looking closely at a single flower, a leaf,

a grain of sand in the palm of your hand.

You rest in a quiet park.  A tree moves gently in the breeze.  A passing cloud covers you with its shadow.

You’re working on a project with all of your attention and skill, losing track of time.

Far in the distance you hear a strain of music.

You’re in love with the beauty of the earth.

In the midst of a storm you hear a whisper of comfort and promise.

Though alone, you feel yourself surrounded by this community.

Fire jumps from heart to heart.

Memories of kindness and love you’ve received thrill your body.

How often you have asked and been given.  You’ve found exactly what you sought.  The door you thought was closed, opened wide.

We are mysteries, within a mystery.

You are a moment, within the eternal.