
I mentioned in my sermon last week that in the Christian liturgical calendar we are in the season of Epiphany, which began January 6 with the holiday of Epiphany and lasts through Ash Wednesday, which is February 14 this year.  Epiphany invites the questions, Who am I, really?  How do I want others to  know me? and, What can I do to show more of my true self to others?  The beginning of a new year is an excellent time for this self-reflection and goal-setting.  What can you do this year to be the best version of yourself?

Speaking of past sermons, this seems like a good time to remind folks that we make recordings of every Sunday service.  The recordings are available on our church website:  UUStudioCity.org.  Under the “Program” menu choose “Worship” then click on “videos of past worship services.”  Check it out!