News to Know and Christmas Eve

As usual there’s a lot going on at our church.  What an abundance of programming to help us celebrate, and socialize, and learn, and reflect, and give, and connect.  To help us navigate you’ll see that the Communications Team has added a new feature to our weekly newsletter.  Just below my column every week you’ll see a big yellow starburst announcing “News 2 Know!”  (Thank you Aviva Heston for the great graphic.)  Each week we will highlight two upcoming events at the church you won’t want to miss.  Directly below the “News 2 Know” you’ll find a calendar of all the church events for the coming week.  Further down in the newsletter will be more information and features, but we will put the most important, priority items right at the top where you won’t miss them.

One more event I need to highlight is our candlelight Christmas Eve service.  This special 5 PM service will be the “lessons and carols” style with readings alternating with songs from the congregation and the choir.  I will preach a homily, “On the Eve” about the times in our lives when we might be just on the cusp of a wonderful change but not know it.  The Christmas Eve service is also our once a year opportunity to support the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.  I use the Fund all year to provide financial assistance to church members in special circumstances.  I hope you’ll give generously to the special collection.

Because Christmas Eve is a Sunday this year we will have only the one more contemplative evening service.  The Sunday morning service, organized by the Worship and RE Committees will feature a children’s nativity pageant.  I hope you’ll attend both services.