Spirit of Joy

            Spirit of light and laughter

            Spirit of fun and the funny

            Spirit of joy

            Bless us with your spirit this morning.

            With your touch, crack open our hard shells

            Tickle us, tempt us, cajole us

            Into celebrating with you

            The joy of life

            The joy of this day

            The joy of good music, and good words, and good fellowship.

                        And maybe a good cup of coffee

            The joy of a growing congregation

            The joy of a community that knows the abundance of our resources

                        And gladly gives to make this good thing better

            Help those of us whose hearts are burdened by sadness this morning

                        Find solace, peace, and healing

            Help those whose minds are anxious, or fearful, or angry

                        Find comfort, clarity, and calm.

            Help those whose spirits are heavy

                        Find your light and your gentle, encouraging voice

            May all who hear this prayer

                        And all persons everywhere

            Join in the joy of the joyful journey of existence

                        Singing from sunrise to sunset

                        Dancing from one year to the next

                        Ever laughing with delight

                        At the cosmic comedy of being.