Prayer for RE Sunday

Holy spirit of life and love

That moves through all things

And that connects us all with hope and power

Be with us this morning

            In this room

            In this community

            In our hearts

Wherever we are in the journey of our lives

            Encourage us to take one more step

            Let us see the goal before us

            Near or far

            And do the next thing

Let us celebrate the life that keeps unfolding

            Leaf by leaf

            Petal by petal

            Day by day

            Each day a new world

Each day an opportunity to learn more about ourselves

            And the infinite variety of human lives

            And the world we share

May we be courageous to keep moving

To keep fitting ourselves to the new reality

To keep responding, growing, and developing

            Stretching closer and closer to that ideal we seek

            Nearer and nearer to the person we were born to be.

And ever able to gracefully leave behind the perfection of this moment

            To embrace the new perfection of the next moment.