A Question in the Stars

I was sure tickled by the image of a question mark floating among the stars in an image taken by the Webb Space Telescope.  Does this prove that God is a Unitarian?  

Astronomers will tell you what we’re looking at is an image of two galaxies merging (the swoop) in apparent conjunction with a star (the dot).  It’s only the angle from which we’re looking and the coincidence of color that combines the elements into a single image that looks an awfully lot like an earthly question mark.

I’m especially tickled that the question mark is so jolly looking.  I’m glad the question in question is an amused “who knows?” rather than a stern foreboding of the unknown.  It amuses me, too, that while the image signals mystery, it’s also a image made possible only by our knowledge of telescopes and photographs and so on.  Isn’t it true, that when we explore to the edge of what we know, we always discover how much more there is to learn.