A Christmas Dream

God of our hearts

Voice of my conscience

Highest and best self that I can conceive

Spirit of life, and love, and justice

That flows through all creation.

Be with us this evening as we worship

And be with us tonight as we lay down to sleep

Fill our restful minds with dreams of peace

Dreams of joy.  Dreams of brighter days

For ourselves.  And for all others.

Give us dreams that show us the way

that inspire our spirits

And strengthen our bodies

And fix our wills as on a distant star.

Show to us dreams of a new year

Where cruelty, falsehood, and selfishness

Have been left behind

Dreams of a new world

Where love is the highest power

Bind us again to ancient dreams

Of peace on earth

Goodwill to all

Justice for the oppressed

A planet made whole and healthy

May our dreams begun this Christmas evening 

Be with us through this long night

And carry us to a Christmas morning

Where our dreams become incarnate in our lives.