Canvass Interview Responses

I want to thank everyone again for participating in our Stewardship Campaign and for supporting the church so generously.  Thank you to all of the pledgers.  And thank you to all of our volunteer canvassers.  And especially thank you to this year’s organizers:  Gil Shorr, Judy Leslie, and Reid Swanson.

Here are links to our congregation’s collected responses to the four questions you were asked during your meeting with your canvasser, transcribed exactly as I received them (with a couple of edits to preserve anonymity or if I couldn’t read someone’s writing.)

Thinking Back…
For Right Now…
For the Future…
Asset Management

Take a look.  I think you’ll enjoy reading them.  If you have trouble with the links see me and I can print you a hard copy or email the files to you.

I’ll not add my own thoughts here because I want you to read these for yourselves, without being prejudiced by what I see.  But, as you read, notice what common themes are coming up for you.  We will have multiple opportunities to refer to this data over the next two months as we make our decisions for next year’s budget and our work together for the remaining two years of the interim.  You all have created a wealth of valuable information for the church and this is one more reason I appreciate your participation in this year’s canvass.