Service is our Prayer

I want to thank everyone for participating in our Stewardship Campaign and for supporting the church so generously.  Nearly all of the pledges are in.  Gil Shorr will be making a few follow-up phone calls to people we missed.  If you still have your pledge card at home, please get it in.  If you weren’t given a pledge card but would like to make a pledge of financial support to the church, please ask; we’ll get a card to you right away.

Of course, financial giving isn’t the only way we support our church.  Everything we do together at the church depends on volunteers:  to arrange the altar, to collect the offering, to sing in the choir, to track our money, to host a party, to make coffee, to set up the chairs, to comfort the sick or grieving, to plan our future…  Everything.  I’m so grateful for the large number of volunteers we have making it all happen.

But we always need more volunteers.  There’s a place for you.  At the Committee Council meeting last week we started planning for an event sometime this summer that will encourage church members to make a one-year volunteer commitment to to the church, much as we make financial commitments during the Stewardship campaign.  We’ll have a volunteer fair, but more than that, we will consider how we can bring meaning to that phrase we say together every Sunday, “service is our prayer.”

See you Sunday.