Chosen Family

Spirit of love and belonging

Inclusive spirit that contains and embraces all

Hold out your arms to us this night

And welcome us in

Hold open the door

Let us see the light and feel the warmth of that cheery stable

How we long to take our place beside the shepherd and the sheep

Listening in the stillness to the cooing of the dove

Close enough to feel the gentle breath of the cow 

And to see the light of love in the mother’s eyes

We have been too long in the cold of the night

Too long on the road, wandering away

We’re ready now to find our family

To make a home for ourselves

In this community we feel our worth and dignity

Here, we know our hurts will receive justice and our pain will be met with compassion

In this family we will find acceptance just as we are, and the encouragement we need to grow and blossom

A family where each is trusted and made responsible to find their own way

Where every voice is honored and included

Where, as the door was opened for us, we hold open the door for all others

Until our family includes all the world of people

And respects all the forms of existence in one universal family.

We say yes to this community

We say yes to this invitation

We say yes to this home

We say yes to this family