
It’s been a long time since I welcomed the beginning of Spring as enthusiastically and gratefully as I am this year.  The abundant rain was a blessing, although one feels for the folks suffering from floods (must every sweetness be mixed with sorrow?).  The cold wasn’t nearly as cold as in other parts of the country, but colder and for longer than we’re used to in southern California.  The snow has been beautiful on the mountaintops, and the day we had snow even in the valley felt like a miracle, though I’m glad that’s not a miracle we need to deal with regularly!

All caveats aside, though, for today, and for this last week, I just want to celebrate spring.  Hooray!  It’s finally here.  It’s lovely to walk outside without an umbrella or a jacket.  It’s wonderful to see the blossoming trees and wildflowers.  The daisies in the picture above are blooming in front of the apartment building across the street from the church.  It does feel like new beginnings, release from bondage, the season of rebirth, as the themes of the springtime religious holidays remind us.

What’s alive in you this spring?  What are you celebrating?  What will you help grow and blossom in the coming weeks?

See you at church.