Canvasser Notes

This Sunday marks the official end of our Stewardship Campaign.  We will thank our canvassers, thank our pledgers, and celebrate our community with a celebratory lunch after the worship service.  I look forward to being with you.  If you haven’t yet returned your pledge card, you can bring it on Sunday and drop it in the collection basket.

I’ve spent this last week going through the notes the canvassers made from the interviews they conducted.  I’ve been typing all of the notes into a report that collects all our members’ responses to the “four questions” of the canvassers’ interview:  what brought you to church?  what keeps you here?  What should we do next?  And, what are our most valuable assets in property, people, our neighborhood, and our faith?  It’s a wealth of information.  I will wait until all the interview notes are in before I share any findings.

When the report is complete, I’ll share it first with the Finance Committee and the Board.  The congregation’s input will be a major factor in helping them make their plans and budget recommendations for the coming year.  I’ll also make both a summary report and the full report available to the congregation.  

Thank you for supporting this year’s Stewardship Campaign, and supporting your church with your presence, your work, your ideas, and your financial offerings.