Stewardship Campaign Nears the End

This week we are nearing the official end of our annual Stewardship Campaign.  This is the time each year when we invite our church members and friends to make a pledge of financial support for the coming fiscal year, beginning July 1.  An accurate sense of our income for the coming year gives the Treausrers and Finance Committee the information they need to create a realistic and responsible draft budget.

If you haven’t yet been contacted by your canvasser, expect that call soon.  If you’ve already met with your canvasser make sure to put your pledge card in the mail or bring it to church on Sunday and drop it in the collection basket.  Your canvasser is responsible for recording some notes from your “four question” interview and sending those notes to me.  I will prepare an anonymous report of all of our responses and make that available to the church leaders and congregation as we plan the coming year.  Your responses to the interview questions will give us all a good sense of what’s important to us about our church, where we’ve been, where we’re going, and how we’re going to get there.

The official end of our Stewardship Campaign will be April 2.  Plan on staying after worship that day for a celebratory meal together.