UUFKC Approves Budget for 2022-2023 Fiscal Year, Elects new officers, and authorizes creation of a Visioning Task Force
At our congregational meeting on June 5, UUFKC members approved a budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. We also elected new officers. Jeannie Parent will serve as President, replacing outgoing President, Teri Madewell. John Means will fill the currently vacant Vice President office. Teri Madewell agreed to continue her service to the Fellowship by serving on next year’s nominating committee. The members voting at the Congregational Meeting also approved a resolution that empowers the Board of Trustees to appoint representatives to a Visioning Task Force that will further explore the idea of partnering with the Santa Clarita UU congregation. The primary goal of the partnership will be to search for, call, and support a full-time minister shared by both congregations. The Task Force will discuss this and other ideas and craft a detailed proposal due later this summer, in time to begin a search in the fall.
KWESI Receives Grant
KWESI, our UUFKC-affiliated non-profit that aids persons held at the Mesa Verde detention center in downtown Bakersfield, has received grants totaling $17,000 from the Fund for Unitarian Universalist Social Responsibility. KWESI will use the money to assist them in their work of providing emotional support to detainees and post-release support in the form of food, clothing, travel supplies, and short-term shelter. The funding comes in the form of a $13,000 general grant, a $2,000 challenge grant, and a $2,000 technical assistance grant, which can be used for telephone and communications systems. The grant notifications were made on May 25.
Rev. Hoyt-McDaniels Announces his Departure
Rev. Hoyt-McDaniels will be leaving UUFKC at the end of his current contract. His last day will be August 14. On August 15 he begins a new job as the full-time, Interim Minister, with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City.