Food Pantry Donations

Now that we have returned to meeting in-person at Huber Chapel, we also want to re-start our Fellowship’s regular weekly collection of items to support the Food Pantry operated by our host congregation of the First Congregational Church (FCC) as a member of the CapK Food Bank food pantry program.

The FCC food pantry is open to the public every Wednesday morning from 8:30 to 11:30am.  The Pantry serves about 100 families weekly. Twice a month, volunteers shop at the food bank to fill the pantry shelves. In between shopping trips the Pantry depend on generous food gifts from church members and friends in the community. If you’d like to contribute, here are some items that would be particularly welcome:

Canned Tomato Sauce/Paste
Canned Vegetables
Canned Soups
Canned Fruit 
Heavy Duty Plastic Grocery Bags

Food gifts can be brought to Huber Chapel on Sunday mornings and will be collected during worship. During the week, Pantry volunteers are able to receive your food gifts on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at First Congregational Church between 9am-11am. Contact Mark Hodson for more information.