Don’t Miss This!

Two events coming up this week and next deserve your attention.  Both are mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter but here’s a quick heads-up!

Membership Class
If you’re thinking about joining UUFKC as a member, or just want to learn more about us, you’re invited to join a one-session class held this Sunday, March 27, after worship.  This is a great way to meet people in the Fellowship.  Lunch will be provided.  Please RSVP to Rick Hoyt-McDaniels.

Grand Opening Worship – “Communion of the Elements”
We’re ready to celebrate our Grand Opening return to in person worship on Sunday, April 3.  Rev. Hoyt-McDaniels will lead a ritual of naming our hopes and calling down our powers.  For the ritual, please bring to worship with you a symbol from one of the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) that represents your wish for the coming year, for yourself, and for our Fellowship.  Think about bringing a flower, a stone, a container of water, a balloon, a candle to light, or anything else that sparks your imagination.