Spring Starting

Our return to in person worship at Huber Chapel has been very successful, and very exciting.  What a joy to be together again after such a long time away.

You may have noticed that there is suddenly a lot going on.  After a long, two-year “winter”, it feels like spring.  Many of the programs and tasks we expect as part of our Fellowship life have been on pause, while many of our volunteer workers have been on hiatus.  Now we need to find a way to re-start.  Maybe you can help.

Stewardship Committee – We’re working on planning a party for April 23, save the date!  Contact Carolyn Cleary
Programs for children.  We’re currently working on hiring a sitter and dreaming up possible programs for a youth group.  Contact Andy Kendall.
Board of Trustees.  We currently have an opening for Vice President.  Starting in July we will need a President and other trustees.  Maybe this could be you!  Contact Teri Madewell

We also welcome folks who want to work on social justice issues, visit members or send cards or make phone calls, collaborate with the FCC congregation, bring snacks and make coffee on Sunday, greet visitors, provide music for worship or a story for the children.  What form of service is calling you?