World Community

My mind and heart are full today with thoughts of the Ukraine.  I’m sure yours are, too.

The fighting is far away, and the political situation far beyond anything I can imagine myself doing anything about.  And, when I look at this gorgeous, sunny, though chilly day in California, I realize that if it weren’t for our intricately wired world, I would have no idea of the conflict.  I would be enjoying my day, not bothered at all.  My mind and heart at ease.  Instead, I’m anxious, and angry.  I’m feeling compassion for people I don’t know.  And I’m fearful for our future.

This is the bargain we make when we open our hearts to broad community:  we take up the feelings of others as our own.  Community connection blesses us with rich, deep, experience, but challenges us also, to stretch our caring beyond what might, at first, feel comfortable.  I know the bargain is worth it.  And the challenge is good for the growth of our spirits.

Through technology, and in response to our sixth principle of “world community” the Ukraine is not foreign to me.  It’s not, “over there.”  In world community there is only here.  I am connected to the people in the Ukraine.  My heart is made vulnerable.  Their suffering is my suffering, too.