Mid-Year Check-In

This Sunday, following worship and our coffee hour discussion, our Fellowship Board will host a brief congregational meeting.  Please join us.

Our agenda includes reports on the state of the church, mid-way through our fiscal year, from our Board President, Teri Madewell; our Treasurer, Sabrina James; and our minister, Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels.  Other Board members will give testimonials about their experience serving on the board.  

We will share updates about several issues that are important to the Fellowship, such as our plans for meeting in-person, the Stewardship Campaign, and the process for developing next year’s Budget.

We will conclude with time to answer any questions you have.  If you have an specific item you’d like to include on the agenda please contact Teri Madewell.

We will use the same Zoom link that we use for worship, so please plan on staying on after our coffee hour discussion concludes.