Moving Forward

We continue to move forward making plans to return to in-person worship.  We’ve been learning a lot about how to manage a hybrid worship service that will welcome persons into the chapel, with others joining through Zoom.  The trials we’ve conducted during worship last month and last Sunday, plus one more this coming Sunday are giving us confidence that we can make this model work successfully.

A small group of folks, led by Mark Hodson, met last Sunday to discuss all the other issues that need to addressed, and there are a lot of them!  But our driving concern is noticing that exclusively remote worship has begun to make our Fellowship inaccessible to many people, particularly to our families with children.  A hybrid approach will allow more people to participate, while offering choices of how to attend depending on needs, caution, and comfort.

We ended last Sunday’s meeting with a recommendation for a re-opening date.  I won’t say the date now because the final decision belongs to the Board.  But the Board will meet this Sunday and we should be able to announce a date after that.